How EAW Is Helping Me Reach My Academic Goals
Interview: Eliana Valenzuela
I am working on a degree in biological sciences at ASU and will be graduating in the spring. Currently, my main degree focus is in chronic illness/disease treatment and prevention, but I have taken opportunities through research fellowships in the honors college to broad my scope and participate in research studying the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on STEM education.
I started with EAW in July of 2020 as a frontline advocate for one of our Fortune 500 clients. In October of 2021, I moved from frontline operations to training and was given the opportunity to train a solo class as a new student trainer right off the bat.
Since then, I have been involved in all training classes for my supported line of business, while also maintaining a connection and supporting role in operations.
One such project I undertook to support the operations team was a year-to-date audit of attendance occurrences and disputes for each frontline agent, which I presented to many accolades in a professional staff meeting.
Outside of EAW, I am working on a degree in biological sciences at ASU and will be graduating in the spring. My main degree focus is in chronic illness/disease treatment and prevention. I have also taken opportunities through research fellowships in the honors college to broaden my scope and participate in research studying the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on STEM education.
Post graduation, I will have one additional year at ASU to complete my master's degree before moving on to continue post graduate research and education. It is entirely because of EAW's tuition assistance that I have decided to pursue a graduate degree. So far I've earned over $7K in tuition assistance, and with the other scholarships and awards I've received, I'm graduating completely debt free.
Thanks Education at Work for providing such a strong professional foundation and helping me to reach my academic goals!
Founded in 2012, Education at Work (EAW) is a national work-based learning nonprofit that helps students graduate with less debt and more skills, connections, and confidence by connecting them with flexible, paid employment opportunities. We help high-achieving college students gain the career-ready skills and financial stability needed to succeed after graduation. Our campus-based “learn and earn” model generates career outcomes for students, provides employers with a skilled workforce to address early talent needs, and helps colleges boost affordability while improving student success. We are proud that success stories like Eliana’s are evidence of the positive impact our work-based learning model is having on students. If you are a student interested in applying for a position at EAW, have questions, or want more information, please contact us.